Sin el fil: 01-510258 / 01-481933 I Zahle:08-811713 I Cellphone: 03-820244 I Email: [email protected]
The Company has a well trained and qualified staff in the fields of Waterproofing, Insulation material, Bitumen products, Grouting Adhesives and Bonding Agent, Mortars and Restoration Products, Sealent and Waterstops, Artificial stone, Decoratif Paints and Epoxy.
Est. Sakhat is the Sole Agent for the following Well Known Italian Companies such as Colmef and Pluvitec, and it has become recently the Sole Agent for Piettre D’arredo and Geodry for all their products.
The Company has more than 40 Members, Engineers, Salesmen, Distributors ... Contructors and Consultant Companies, Retailer stores both in and private sector. We have 2 location in Zahle (Haouch El Omara) and Sin El Fil (Saloume).